The performance of energy transmission and distribution sectors rely on the role of all relevant stakeholders along the energy value chain. Improvement opportunities in the energy value chain exist from the power plant to the transmission and distribution lines up to the end-users. The identification of bottlenecks in the energy value chain paves the way for the implementation of efficient and effective processes that will benefit all energy stakeholders.
To achieve overall energy savings in the energy value chain and sector that leads to lower production costs, understanding the role of efficiency in power transmission and distribution is crucial. With this, join us at the Energy Smart Forum on Transitioning Towards a Green and Efficient Energy Supply Chain, as key government policymakers speak on policies, innovations, and best practices in the generation of energy savings along with the value chain while securing a sufficient and stable energy supply.
With the theme "Building a Competitive, Sustainable and Resilient Energy Future," the ECCP 2021 Energy Smart Forum Series aims to provide an avenue for discussions on the collaborative efforts of energy stakeholders to support business continuity and productivity as well as to access emerging business opportunities in the energy sector.