Forums & Summits

Sustainable and Competitive Philippines Forum

Sofitel Philippine Plaza
Forums & Summits

Sustainable and Competitive Philippines Forum: Accelerating Philippine Socio-Economic Development through Green Growth Strategies.

In today’s world, being competitive is about being sustainable. Global markets are now driving companies and nations to follow the sustainable development path if they want to continue serving the international market. One must look at the triple bottom line, namely, people (social), planet (ecological) and profits (economic) – to remain competitive.

Global supply chains are increasingly being organized with sustainability in mind given the need to reduce carbon emissions and limit the impact on people and the planet. Moreover, resource efficiency and cleaner production have become key strategies to enhance competitiveness and profitability.

This is what sustainable consumption and production (SCP) aims to achieve by doing “more and better with less,” by reducing resource use, degradation and pollution along the life cycle of goods and services, while increasing the quality of life for all. SCP is about promoting resource and energy efficiency and sustainable infrastructure while offering opportunities such as creating new markets and generating green and decent jobs, such as markets for organic food,fair trade, sustainable housing, renewable energy, sustainable transport and tourism. (UNEP)

We have invited high-level government officials, top executives, and representatives of leading non-governmental organizations’ to share their views on SCP, to describe their vision on how they see the Philippines becoming sustainable and competitive and to give their insights on how the sustainability approach plays a key role in accelerating business growth as well as industrial development.


(You will find the full List of Speakers in the attached program




The Philippines is a country that has the advantage of being geographically located in an area that has an abundance of renewable energy sources and sustainable materials. It is well positioned to grow its economy competitively following a sustainable development path if a vision that will promote economic development following the framework of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) is established.

The goal is to create a sustainable and competitive Philippines based on its natural endowments and supported by a framework that integrates the SCP principles in its multi-sectoral development policies.  

Sustainable Consumption and Production 

SCP aims to do “more and better with less,” by reducing resource use, degradation and pollution along the life cycle of goods and services, while increasing the quality of life for all. SCP is about promoting resource and energy efficiency and sustainable infrastructure while offering opportunities such as creating new markets and generating green and decent jobs, such as markets for organic food, fair trade, sustainable housing, renewable energy, sustainable transport and tourism. SCP is especially beneficial for developing countries as it provides an opportunity for them to “leapfrog” to more resource-efficient, environmentally sound and competitive technologies, allowing them to bypass inefficient and polluting phases of development. (UNEP)

With the SCP approach, we can achieve the triple bottom line – and that is keeping people safe and healthy, protecting the planet as well as securing profits through resource efficiency and cleaner production. 

Objectives of the SCP Forum

The SCP Forum is aimed at Introducing the Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) concept and launching an exchange on SCP as an effective new approach for developing a national strategy that can secure the prospect of a Sustainable and Competitive Philippines in 2012 and beyond.

Specifically, the SCP Forum:

1.Provides a platform for discussing an SCP strategy for a Sustainable and Competitive Philippines by engaging government and private sector representatives in the discussions;

2.Briefs participants on how government is proceeding with the challenge of making the Philippines sustainable and competitive;

3.Offers an opportunity to exchange best practices from among companies and government agencies as they tackle the matter of sustainability in their policies, regulations and relationships with stakeholders.

Who should attend?

The Forum offers a high-level strategic discussion on SCP that requires the participation of top-level management and senior executives involved in corporate strategic planning, business development, corporate social responsibility, and operations.

Sustainability officers, environmental management practitioners and pollution control officers, representatives from government, international and non-governmental organizations, financial institutions and academe will also benefit from attending the forum as it will present a new dimension in policy development hinged on SCP and also in project development.

Program Content

Opening Session

The Opening Session will launch the discussion on SCP as an important development strategy in the overall drive to make the Philippines sustainable and competitive. 

The ECCP President (representing the private sector), EU Ambassador, Head of EU Delegation to the Philippines (representing a government committed to SCP), and the DENR Secretary (or high level representative of the Philippine Government) will set the tone of the forum talking about how SUSTAINABILITY matters in business and government. 

Session 1: Global Sustainability and Competitiveness Drivers

What is driving sustainability as a global concern for both governments and companies?  What is sustainable consumption and production? How important is sustainability in business planning? How are governments and businesses taking on the need to be sustainable and competitive?

Session 2: Building a Sustainable Infrastructure

How is infrastructure evolving towards sustainability and competitiveness? How is the energy sector making itself sustainable and efficient? How are eco-zones and its locators emerging in the sustainability game especially considering that it is closely working with global supply chains? Buildings and cities -  why greening is no longer an option for users and locators?

Session 3: Regional and Industrial Initiatives: Case Studies from Switch Asia Projects

What is the Switch Asia Project and how is it contributing to making regions and industries sustainable and competitive? How have export industries and SMEs developed a new SCP mind set to improve efficiency and competitiveness through the SMART Cebu Project? How all sizes of large enterprises that participated in the Green Philippines project appreciated SCP as a key to sustainability and competitiveness? How Palawan-based resorts and tourist facilities have found new ways to adopt SCP inspired innovations to reduce their carbon footprint?

Session 4: Promoting Responsible and Sustainable Consumption

Consumers are powerful key drivers for markets to demand sustainability along the value chain. How is the Philippine government supporting a shift towards sustainable consumption? How are companies and consumers working together to contribute to the triple bottom line – people, planet, and profit? What is being done to assist consumers make an intelligent choice in favour of sustainable products and services?

Invitation of Participate

We invite you to join the Sustainable and Competitive Philippines Forum on 7 June 2012, Thursday, 8 am at the Sofitel Hotel. Participation fee are as follows:

ECCP Members/Government / Academe/Students (w/ID)3,200Php

This Forum will introduce participants to the SCP concept and initiate a high-level discussion on SCP as an effective new approach for developing a national strategy that can secure the prospect of a Sustainable and Competitive Philippines in 2012 and beyond.

This will be the first-ever Forum that focuses the discussion on SCP at the national level. We trust that you can be part of this pioneering event highlighting green growth strategies for accelerating Philippine Socio-Economic Development.

To register, kindly fill up the registration form and fax back to 759-6690 attention to: Jasmin Runez or email For further details and inquiries, please contact Ms. Jasmin Runez at 845-1324. 



Endorsing Organizations




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