Forums & Summits

Arangkada Philippines Forum: Realize the Potential!

Makati Shangri-La Hotel, Manila, Philippines
Forums & Summits

The Joint Foreign Chambers of the Philippines (JFC) and their co-sponsoring partner organizations are pleased to invite you to the Second Anniversary Forum of Arangkada Philippines with the theme Realize the Potential! on February 26, 2013 at the Rizal Ballroom, Makati Shangri-La Hotel.

In January 2012, the JFC organized its First Anniversary Forum with the theme Moving Twice as Fast, which is what the economy is doing with an average GDP growth of 6.5% in the first three quarters of this year in a very challenging global business environment. For 2013, the JFC has selected the theme Realize the Potential! inspired in part by President Aquino’s comment about how the country’s very high potential has long been dormant and by recognition that the Philippines can become a growth leader among larger emerging economies.

JFC Presidents and Exec. Directors with Pres. Aquino & Trade Sec. Domingo at First Arangkada Philippines Forum 2012

President Aquino and Chief Justice Sereno have been invited to deliver the keynote speeches.  Some two dozen experts from the public and private sectors will discuss key issues critical to stronger economic growth, higher investment, and job creation for the Philippines to Realize the Potential!  Three of the country’s top media personalities will moderate panel discussions. A copy of the Second Anniversary Assessment of the 471 recommendations in Arangkada will be distributed to all participants.


We encourage you to register and pay (preferably using PayPal) as early as possible to confirm your place at the Forum. The registration schedule and corresponding prices are as follows:

Early BirdPhP 3,00017 Dec. 2012 - 13 Jan. 2013
 Regular PhP 3,600 14 Jan. 2013 - 19 Feb. 2013
 Late and Walk-in PhP 4,000 20 Feb. 2013 - 26 Feb. 2013

How to Register

* Online registration accepts both online and offline (cash/check deposit) payments.  We encourage you to register online for a faster and smoother experience.  

Payment Options

PayPal (Credit Card)Cash and Check Deposit
We are giving a PhP 200 discount for Regular registration and payment using PayPalBank payment details are available during the online registration process
Offline Payment

Bank: Unionbank
Account Name: American Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines, Inc.
Account Type: Savings
Account No: 0000-1011-6539
Swift Code: UBPHPHMM

E-mail and/or fax a copy of the deposit slip to:

Lealou Algenio
Program Associate, TeamAsia
E-mail Addresses: and
Fax: (632) 757-3510 or 11

About Arangkada

Published by the JFC in December 2010, Arangkada Philippines 2010: A Business Perspective is a comprehensive advocacy paper featuring 471 recommendations made in nine focus group discussions by nearly 300 Filipino and foreign investors.  Arangkada targets the infusion of US$75 billion foreign direct investment and the creation of 10 million jobs, and over a trillion pesos in tax revenue for the Philippine economy within a decade. To achieve these goals, Arangkada asserts the need to focus on specific reforms to enable high growth in the Big Winner Sectors* as well as improvements in the general business environment.

* Big Winner Sectors --- Agribusiness, Creative Industries, Information Technology, Infrastructure, Manufacturing and Tourism, Medical Travel, and Retirement.

For more information on the Arangkada Philippines Project, visit or contact Ramon N. Cabrera at or call (632) 751-1495.

Arangkada Philippines Logos


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