The ECCP organized a meeting with DFA Visa Division Chief Melvin Almonguerra last 14 October to discuss the travel ban exemption process.
- The DFA shared about their recent efforts to speed track the process through the creation of a database, as well as standardizing forms and procedures. Also, to streamline the exemption process, the DFA’s endorsement letters to the Bureau of Immigration no longer bear the flight arrival details of said exempted foreign nationals. The team, however, noted that there are some challenges in terms of manpower especially at the post-approval stage.
- On the applicant’s end, one of the common errors / sources of delay can be attributed to the applicant’s lack of valid requirements (e.g. lack of visa, expiration of visa/passports, lack of company endorsement letter, etc.).
- The DFA urged requesting indviduals/organizations to submit complete documents at the onset of the application. These include: name; company; designation; email address; passport details; nationality; visa details; letter of endorsement from the g