ECCP at Work

ECCP@Work Advocacy Corner | April 30, 2021

April 30, 2021

ECCP Online

ECCP at Work

EU-ABC meeting with BOC Commissioner Guerrero | 26 April 2021

The ECCP was invited to participate in the EU-ASEAN Business Council's meeting with the Bureau of Customs. The ECCP raised the following concerns and 'improvement opportunities': 

  • Unaligned/disconnected policies, procedures, and timelines for registrations, clearances, permits processing for importation and exportation between BOC and other government agencies.

  •  Insufficient, outdated and low-quality border security equipment and resources.

  • Inability to efficiently adapt to international demands/trends such as eCommerce and foreign transit as growth areas within the cargo industry for the Philippines.

ECCP Transportation and Logistics Committee | 26 April 2021

The ECCP Committee on Transportation and Logistics convened for the first time. The discussions covered the following: 1) Recap of ECCP Transportation & Logistics Committee's 2019-2020 advocacies/initiatives; 2) 2021 ECCP Transportation & Logistics Committee priority advocacies and activities; 3) Vaccine Logistics (Government and Private Importations); 4) recent advocacies of the MSGC – Multi-Sectoral Governance Group; 5) export roadblocks. The Committee also discussed the issues surrounding CAO 01-2020 which excessively fines for minor errors on goods declaration; the group will draft a position paper on the said matter. 

Developing Energy Efficient Real Estate Projects | 27 April 2021

In celebration of the second anniversary of the signing into law of Republic Act No. 11285 or the Energy Efficiency and Conservation (EE&C) Law, the ECCP Real Estate Committee together with the ECCP Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Committee held an online session entitled, “Developing Energy Efficient Real Estate Projects” to provide context on the importance of EE&C in the Philippines, highlight the key features of the EE&C Law and its implementing regulations, and provide particular focus to energy audits and its impact on real estate development projects.

Empowering Consumer Choice and Energy Diversification | 28 April 2021

Two months after the launch of the ECCP-NREB REPH100 initiative, the Chamber hosted the webinar “Empowering Consumer Choice and Energy Diversification” last 28 April 2021, which paved the way for discussions on updates on the Green Energy Option Program, as well as other DOE policies and initiatives aimed to promote transition to renewable energy.

REPH100 Initiative which is a private sector-driven effort aimed to support the Green Energy Option Program implemented by the Department of Energy. It adopts a whole-of-society approach to fueling the Philippine energy transition for more inclusive economic recovery.

Tourism Reboot Forum Series: Turning Challenges into Opportunities | 29 April 2021

The ECCP, together with its Tourism Committee, held a webinar entitled, “Tourism Reboot Forum Series: Turning Challenges into Opportunities” on 29 April 2021. The event provided a platform for industries to have an exchange of best practices as well as hear government initiatives and key strategies for the tourism industry in 2021.

ECCP joins the JFC meeting with Sen. Risa Hontiveros | 29 April 2021

The ECCP, together with members of the Joint Foreign Chambers and the Philippine Business Groups, met with Senator Risa Hontiveros to discuss the group’s advocacies on the Public Services Act amendments. The ECCP urges the Philippine government to forward key economic reforms such as the amendments to the Public Services Act, Foreign Investments Act, and Retail Trade Liberalization Act. Additionally, we also call on amendments on the economic provisions of the Constitution to facilitate greater trade and investments. 

House Transportation Committee hearing on destination charges | 30 April 2021

The ECCP Transportation and Logistics Committee Chair, Mr. Michael Raeuber, has been invited to the House Transportation Committee’s hearing on regulating the application of local charges (at origin and destination) imposed by international shipping lines to comply with existing laws on obligations and contracts and International Commercial Terminology (Incoterms) establishing guidelines therefor. Read more about the ECCP’s advocacies related to shipping costs. 

2nd Technical Working Group Meeting with International Schools | 30 April 2021 

The ECCP convened its second meeting with representatives from various international schools in the country as well as the Joint Foreign Chambers of the Philippines to exchange updates on the current issues faced by the education sector, particularly the international school community, in relation to COVID-19. Participants pointed out the need to achieve critical mass vaccination prior in ensuring the effective implementation of their plans in ensuring the best delivery of education. The group agreed to meet every month and to invite government stakeholders.

Powering the Economy: Lessons and Milestones on Public-Private Partnerships | 30 April 2021

The ECCP organized the Joint Foreign Chambers virtual forum on “Powering the Economy: Lessons and Milestones on Public-Private Partnership” on 30 April 2021. With DOE Undersecretary Wimpy Fuentebella and PNOC-EC President and CEO Lt Gen Rozzano Briguez as speakers, his event covered discussions on the Malampaya Project’s case as a joint undertaking of the Department of Energy and the private sector, including its lessons learned, milestones, and best practice as a public-private partnership.

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