ICT-BPM-KPM Committee

The ICT-BPM-KPM Committee seeks to deepen cooperation among the various stakeholders involved by promoting a host of regulatory reforms to ensure the dynamic growth of the sector. Specifically, the committee advocates for incentivizing competitive and innovative ICT-BPO investments, addressing infrastructure gaps (e.g. common tower policy, open access in data transmission), and upskilling the workforce especially in the STEM field. Moreover, the group aspires that such reforms will help improve the Philippines’ state of connectivity and propel it at the forefront of digital revolution.

Committee Leaders

Erik MollerNielsen
Erik Moller Nielsen
President, Global Process Manager, Inc.
Karl JasonBantiling
Mr. Karl Jason Bantiling
Executive Director for Communications & Investor Relations, Trends & Concepts

Policy Paper / Materials Published

Advocacy Paper2024 Advocacy Papers
2024 Advocacy Papers

Year published: 2024

Executive SummaryExecutive Summary - 2024 Infrastructure and ICT-BPM-KPM Advocacy Paper
Executive Summary - 2024 Infrastructure and ICT-BPM-KPM Advocacy Paper

Year published: 2024

Advocacy Paper2023 Advocacy Papers
2023 Advocacy Papers

Year published: 2023

Advocacy Paper2021 Advocacy Papers - ICT-BPM-KPM
2021 Advocacy Papers - ICT-BPM-KPM

Year published: 2021

Advocacy Paper2019 Advocacy Papers - ITC-BPM-KPM
2019 Advocacy Papers - ITC-BPM-KPM

Year published: 2019

Advocacy Paper2017 Advocacy Papers
2017 Advocacy Papers

Year published: 2017

Advocacy Paper2016 Advocacy Papers
2016 Advocacy Papers

Year published: 2016

Committee Coordinators

A generic square placeholder image with rounded corners in a figure.
Mazel Salazar
Advocacy Officer
A generic square placeholder image with rounded corners in a figure.
Chienie Patricia Nethercott
Advocacy Officer

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Want to join a committee but not yet a member? Please reach out to gen.anaquita@eccp.com